A better day

Wouldn’t you know, our little Sam, got extubated again. Yep, he’s back on the CPAP. They had him on the lowest vent settings possible and he was doing more than ok. What I find interesting about that is this morning, when Scott was visiting, he wasn’t awake or moving, was completely riding the vent, rather than breathing over it. By the time I got there, just a couple hours later, he was back on CPAP. So far his settings have been good (at 21-23% oxygen), though his PEEP is still high at level 8.

His blood numbers are more back to normal; his conjugated bilirubin isn’t though and is now at 24!!! We have to get him feeding.

He had an abdominal ultrasound today to check on the status of his intestines. Is whatever’s there smaller, so maybe a hematoma? Is it the same, maybe the duplication cyst? We haven’t gotten any results yet. Tomorrow is our meeting with his doctor so we’ll know something soon, what plan of action they need to take. I don’t think we’re at a point where we can just sit back and watch/wait. We need to make some concrete plans.